The Smoking Room Lounge is a refined space where cigar aficionados can indulge in their passion for smoking premium cigars in an atmosphere of sophistication and exclusivity. Upon entering the lounge, guests are greeted with rich leather chairs, plush couches, and elegant wooden tables. The decor is tastefully designed to create a warm and inviting atmosphere, with dim lighting and soft music playing in the background.
The centerpiece of the lounge is the humidor, a temperature and humidity-controlled room where the finest cigars are stored. The humidor is often made of Spanish cedar, which not only enhances the cigars' flavor but also adds a pleasant aroma to the room. The lounge's staff are experts in cigar selection and will happily recommend the perfect cigar to suit a guest's taste preferences.
In addition to cigars, The Smoking Room offers a wide selection of new tobacco products, and accessories, including e-cigarettes, vapes, aged humidor boxes, lighters, cutters and more.
The Smoking Room is a place to unwind and relax, with a focus on conversation and camaraderie. Coffee and reading material is available along with flat screen tv's to watch live events. Guests can chat with like-minded individuals, share stories, and discuss the latest cigar trends. It's a place where the art of smoking is respected and celebrated, and where the finer things in life are savored.
Contact us to book a table for any occasion. We accept reservations for up to 20 people.